Information for students of the Musikhochschule Lübeck

(This page is not available through the menu of and only for students of the Musikhochschule Lübeck. Please don’t forward it to other people.)

General information:

Please send as detailed as possible information about the intended recordings:

Purpose, instrumentation, pieces, duration, if necessary deadline for competition, if a video is needed and which quality. If it’s for a competition please send a link to the webpage of the competition, so I can ensure we follow the requirements.

If it’s a production I have to get the score before the recording, because I have to read it throughout the recording session.

Normally, I work with a fixed price. After finishing the project you receive an invoice via E-Mail. For the invoice I need your home address (otherwise the invoice is not valid).

Recording for a competition:

Most of the competitions require a recording including video. Usually, one videcamera and good audio recording is sufficient.

Ideally we do this recording in the chamber hall, because we can use the fixed recording setup there, the quality is fine for compositions. For the video I use my own high quality camcorder for perfect picture.


It’s possible to maximise the quality with a high-end multi microphone setup. This means more effort and costs. One of the advantages is we can control the volume of the different instruments, because everyone has their own microphone. Please let me know if you want this type of microphone setup.

To maximise the quality of the video I can use multible cameras from different angles. The result is impressive and suitable for every purpose like competitions, YouTube, Social Media, own Website, client acquisition… But the effort is big and usually it’s not required for normal competitions. One of the advantages is you can cut between different takes through the different camera angles. With one camera you can only replace small audio pieces/single bars and synchronise it with the video.

Usually in competitions editing is not allowed!

By the way: If the recording is for a competition you can get some funding from the Förderergesellschaft of the Musikhochschule Lübeck. They know I do recordings for students. If you hand in my invoice afterwards, the proof that you really participated in the competition, and a reason why you can’t pay all of it, they will refund some of the money.


The purpose of a production is to achieve the best possible outcome, so the recordings can be edited. Microphone setup and camera operation are very complex and the post-processing takes a lot of time. Mixing, mastering and editing take a lot of time.

When you record only audio editing becomes easier than with video cameras.

When doing the concert hall reservation you should plan some time for the equipment installation:

High-End-Audio (without or with only 1 camera): around 1 hour

High-End-Audio + 3 Cameras: minimum 2 hours

Removing the equipment after the recording also takes some time.

To see some examples of the results of a production take a look on my website and click on the menu item “recording”.

Concert recording:

For exam concerts you have to sign the document “Erklärung Aufnahme Prüfungskonzerte” and hand it in at the office of the Musikhochschule.

Delivery of the finished recordings:

If the files aren’t too large, I send them online via Wetransfer or Google Drive. If the files are too large I drop a data DVD (for PC, not DVD-PLAYER) in an labeled envelope in the student shelf next to the Hochschul-Mensa.

For playing the files on the computer I recommend the free VLC Media Player.

If you release the recordings in the end (for example YouTube) it would be nice if you would mention me by adding my name and website link, for example like this.

Recording engineer: Thomas Reifner